TOPIC","Click this button to go to the \"Start\" page to choose a new topic","GAME OVER","PLAY again","do TEST","Game over - choose an option from the top menu or the buttons above","Click this button to play this game again","Click this button to choose a new game to play","Click this button to take the tests for this topic","Click this button to switch the music on and off","CHANGE game","Click on a topic from the list, or switch levels to see other topics","Thumbnail for language learning game 'Four in a row'"],playWinMusic=1,wMO=1,setPgGamEnd_js="game_settings_end_22_00.min.js?v=02",hsGame=0,hSO=0,format=3,picSize=6,isMobile=0,signBrown="#663300",signGreen="#00703C",signBlue="#0079C1",signOrange="#EFB538",shadow="box-shadow:2px 2px 7px #333;",html,i,j,k,myString,myString2,myArray,num,xLoc,yLoc,total,count,offset,width,height,db={"display":"block"},dn={"display":"none"},topicNames="Eating and drinking_11,Eating and drinking_12,Eating and drinking_13,Eating and drinking_14,Eating and drinking_15,Eating and drinking_16,Eating and drinking_17,Eating and drinking_18,Eating and drinking_19,Eating and drinking_20",topicPics,infoBS="About this activity",helpBS="How to play",backBS="BACK",otsTitle="Select your first topic:",noTopic="No topic selected yet",infoSS="Read more about this activity",helpSS="Read the help text for this activtiy",backSS="Back to previous screen",sec="sec",isIOS="0",downloadSounds,picsarray=["Eating and drinking_11","Eating and drinking_12","Eating and drinking_13","Eating and drinking_14","Eating and drinking_15","Eating and drinking_16","Eating and drinking_17","Eating and drinking_18","Eating and drinking_19","Eating and drinking_20"],labelsarray=["die Pommes frites","die Pizza","der Hamburger","die Suppe","die Nudeln","das H\u00e4hnchen","der Fisch","der Reis","das Gem\u00fcse","der Salat"],ilabelsarray=["chips","pizza","hamburger","soup","pasta","chicken","fish","rice","vegetables","salad"],modStrings=["FOUR IN A ROW","Aim: To get four symbols in a row","Method: Choose a square and click on it. Click on the matching words in the box that appears. If you are right the picture is replaced by a tick. Continue until you have won four squares in a row.","Click on 'PLAY' to play, or change topic with the 'Change Topic' button"," Loaded music, going to play page ","Click a picture - select the matching words to win that square"," click the words that match the picture","Choose a picture by clicking on it...","Click on the words that match the picture"," Well done, you have completed the game. Click on a button above to continue. "],intSpritePath="",arra206="";if(window.hasOwnProperty("level")&&level=="secondary"){numPics=20;}else{numPics=10;level="primary"}function changeCol(myCol){document.getElementById("bgColour").style.backgroundColor=myCol}